Non-public APIs, libmetalirconverter.dylib


I keep getting rejected from Apple Store because of “Your app uses or references the following non-public or deprecated APIs:”

In Terminal, I get listed the following files. How on earth do I know what are the equivalent files in Unreal. I should delete/ change them.

Have struggled with this for weeks so any help highly appreciated:)

Yours, Ramses

XXXXXXX-Mac-mini MacOS % otool -Iv /Users/XXXXXXXX/Desktop/XXXXXXX_Package/Mac11/ | grep __dyld_get_image_uuid

0x000000000136079e 325004 __dyld_get_image_uuid

0x000000000167c4c0 325004 __dyld_get_image_uuid

0x00000000012c62a0 374767 __dyld_get_image_uuid

0x00000000015e8468 374767 __dyld_get_image_uuid