Non-Conformant GLTF export

Hi folks, looks like your GLTF exporter isn’t quite conformant to the specification. The Khronos GLTF validator reports errors ACCESSOR_MIN_MISMATCH and ACCESSOR_ELEMENT_OUT_OF_MIN_BOUND. Based on the values it gives, my guess is the accessor minima is calculated from higher precision input data than the float32 vertex type. This could be an easy fix by calculaing the bounds from the generated vertex buffer after it is generated.

Example error message:

  "message": "Declared minimum value for this component (-0.041670750826597214) does not match actual minimum (-0.04167075455188751).",
  "severity": 0,
  "pointer": "/accessors/33/min/2"
  "message": "Accessor contains 1 element(s) less than declared minimum value -0.041670750826597214.",
  "severity": 0,
  "pointer": "/accessors/33/min/2"

Hey, thank you for reporting this. I’ll forward this to the devs.