Non-commercial models

Will there be any support for uploading models without commercial licenses? Or will those be permanently wiped from the internet?

Hi @Rectus_SA . Fab will support two licenses: Creative Commons Attribution and Standard.

For me to be able to answer your question a bit better, could you share a bit more about your particular concern? For example, do you have models on Sketchfab right now that are licensed as CC BY-NC?

I have models licensed both by CC BY-NC as well as non-downloadable ones.

I feel like a big use of Sketchfab is as a model gallery, rather than a store. There doesn’t seem to be any other sites that can replicate that functionality. In particular the model inspector has been a great learning tool, being able to see exactly how a model is constructed.

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Will CC0 be allowed?

Hi @KimLaughton . Fab will only offer CC BY and Standard licenses.

It will not offer CC0, CC BY-NC (Non-Commercial), CC BY-SA (ShareAlike), or CC BY-ND (No Derivatives).

@Rectus_SA we hope to be able to share more information soon about Sketchfab’s gallery feature. It’s always been my favorite part of Sketchfab so I get where you’re coming from. :slight_smile:

Thanks, is there any reason for this? It doesn’t seem like offering other CC options would require any extra workload on the part of the site (other than a dropdown menu). If I want to upload a model and don’t need any credit when it is used why would that be a problem?