Node None 0 Package_LoadSummary has 0 prerequisites, but has not been queued Fatal Error in AsyncLoading.cpp

Hello! I have issue with my project build crashing immediately after start with following error.

Issue reproduced in UE 5.0.3 & UE 5.1.1
Issue appears only in packaged build for Windows (All configs). Standalone/Play in Editor is alright.

I am using source build of Unreal Engine 5.1.1, with tiny custom modification from me in FilenameToLongPackageName method of PackageName.cpp, which I’m using in all engine builds to solve another issue with this specific project described here - Can't launch my project build: FilenameToLongPackageName failed to convert ''. The Result would be indistinguishable from using '' as the InFilename.

To be short - there is same issue in this project related to empty filename, caused by FileNameToLongPackageName method which happens when some unknown (At least for me, because I wasn’t able to find out root cause) file causing this method to crash project. I was able to resolve this issue by bypassing this method check if filename is empty.

Now, after migrating to UE5.1.1 (And still using my bypass method for filename) I am now facing another issue described earlier. If I remove my bypassing code from engine - packaged build will still crash due to PackageNameToLongPackage error, so they might be related to each other.

However, I absolutely have no ideas what can I do about it. I was trying to fix it multiple days in row using different methods from similar posts but unfortunately still have no luck.
If you have so ideas where should I dig or look for root cause - it would be very appreciated