Node doesn't update values at runtime

I should start by saying that I still don’t know a thing about C++ and I am mostly using BluePrints for my project but I have a problem with one of the nodes

I made an emitter that I spawn, dynamic so i can change a certain parameter at runtime

but the problem is that it keeps the first value it received when the emitter spawned but it doesn’t update the value at runtime(the value is the controller mesh location)

i want to know how to make the “Set vector parameter value” node keep updating the value as it changes in runtime or if you have another solution i will be glad to hear it

i will appreciate any help or guidance to how i would make this happen

Never mind, solved it :cool:

What was the solution? (it may be helpful to others who happen on this post)

I was foolish and didn’t realize that I can just connect the “set vector parameter value” to “event tick” which keeps updating in runtime