>= node bug?

for some reason my Greater than node is not working correctly, as u can see in the image bellow the distance node is out putting 8k which is way bigger than 1.5k so i dunno why the “>” is out putting false :.c any ideas?

It’s not a bug. You’re sampling the random node twice. Print just a ‘hello’ rather than the value and you’ll see that it works OK.

Each white execution wire evaluates the entire chain in the back. Assign the result of the Random Point in Bounding Box to a vector variable first, and only then access that result. This way it will stay consistent.

Atm, it will be consistent in 1 out of 5 cases only by sheer coincident.

Spot on thank you, giving the value to a variable solved my problem <3

I have the same issue but I’m not calling it twice, to my knowledge…

Says -1 is greater than 0, and 1 is less than zero
Changing it to a less than node yields the same results

Edit: Fixed it by converting the float to an Int, before the greater than… Bug or? I’m using 5.4 preview so maybe