Hello,I used the GetPlayerCharacter() function in an Actor class to get my current character class
ABaseCharacter* Ch = Cast(UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerCharacter(this, 0)); if (Ch) { return ItemProperty.ItemUserGrade > Ch->CharacterProperty.CharacterGrade ? false : true; UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("User Item")); Destroy(); } else { UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Ch == NULL")); }
But When I Use Item, it Show Up
LogScript: Warning: Script Msg: No world was found for object (/Script/RPG.Default__LongGuRen) passed in to UEngine::GetWorldFromContextObject().
This Is My LongGuRen.CPP
My item class inheritance relationship is as follows: I have an inheritance in the base class for all items of the Actor ABaseItem, then have three class in ABaseItem, respectively, BaseWeapon, BaseStrengthen and BaseConsumables,My LongGuRen.Cpp inherits from BaseWeapon.
This Is My UseItem() Function :
BaseItem :
bool ABaseItem::UseItem()
return true;
bool ABaseWeapon::UseItem()
return Super::UseItem();
Below is the logic of my use of the item:
InventoryProperty.ItemClass stores my item class, type is
`struct FInventoryProperty
TSubclassOf ItemClass;
uint8 Amount : 7;
The error is that I executed the ItemButtonEvnet() error, which is to use the item.
Thank you~;