No Workspaces found?

Hi Atrechi,

Thank you for your report. Could you please post a screenshot of your source control settings in the editor? That will help us narrow down what may be causing this issue.

Thank you,

I’m trying to connect the engine to my perforce workspace, but it tells me “no workspaces found” when i click on the “available workspaces” dropdown, And when I enter my workspace name in the “workspace” space it tells me : “Failed to connect to source control. Check your settings and connection then try again.”


thanks in advance :slight_smile:

This sounds like you don’t have a workspace mapped to your local project root. Your P4 workspace must include your project (i.e. be a parent directory to your project directory) to be able to work correctly.

You can change this via P4V (or perhaps Assembla may allow you to do this too).

I don’t think that’s it, Here you can see how my depot and my workspace are setted up:



My workspace root contains my project folder already

Here is the latest one:link text

Do you have any diagnostic information in your output log or message log when you connect? You can find the logs in the Window menu or under your project’s Saved/Logs directory.

Hmm, I can’t find any connection attempts in that log. Perhaps you have another?

sure, here’s all i have:
link text

link text

link text

link text

link text

There is an error in that log:

P4ERROR: Could not determine server unicode status

This is something I haven’t seen before so I will investigate further.

Cool, thanks for the help :slight_smile:

Taking a look at your errors & the code, it looks as if P4 is having trouble communicating with the server. I’m getting ‘partner exited unexpectedly’ errors, which usually mean there is a problem with your connection.

Is it possible you are seeing a problem because your configuration is incomplete? See here:

What version of Perforce do you have installed locally?

There’s one last thing to try to get more info about your problem. When you start the editor, before you attempt to connect to source control, can you enter the following into the console command box in the top-right of the editor window?:

Log LogSourceControl verbose

If you then try to connect you should get more log info output. If you could post that log it would be most helpful.

If none of this works I’ll attempt to set up a test P4 workspace on Assembla on Monday to check the issue.


I used to have that problem with P4v, but have since fixed that, the p4config needed to be in the p4v folder, and now P4v works perfectly (we’re working with it for the moment).

Sometimes, when i open the editor the source control button is green, like if it was wroking. I tried the Log LogSourceControl verbose, but the moment you click on the button, it will tell you partner exited unexpectedly, and then the same as before.

Here’s the log with the console command:
link text

Thanks again for your help

btw, I use the jan 14 2014 version of P4v

The problem looks to be the way the Editor interacts with Assembla’s Perforce setup.

Internally we expect the P4HOST value to map to your local machine (as this is how Epic, and many others, set their Perforce workspaces up), whereas Assembla differentiate your depot by modifying the P4HOST value. This will require some work to get working correctly within the Editor & for the moment I don’t have a workaround for you aside from using P4V, as you are currently.

I will raise a bug report and see if we can get it addressed.

We are having this problem as well since we are using Assembla and Perforce

yea, i donno why was it tagged as “resolved” because it’s not really resolved, we still have this issue