No way to set stereo layer type in C++

In StereoLayerComponent.h, there is no method to set stereo layer type. No public function allows to set following variable:

/** Specifies how and where the quad is rendered to the screen **/
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, export, Category=“StereoLayer”)
TEnumAsByte StereoLayerType;

Is it possible to set the StereoLayer type in C++ without editing the Engine code?

Other functions are implemented (e.g. set texture), but some as above are not.

I didn’t want to use blueprint for this case.

Make a child class of UStereoLayerComponent and expose it there then use the new class in place of the StereoLayerComponent


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#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Components/StereoLayerComponent.h"
#include "MyStereoLayerComponent.generated.h"

UCLASS(Blueprintable, BlueprintType)
class YOUR_API UMyStereoLayerComponent : public UStereoLayerComponent

		UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable) // if bp is needed
		void SetStereoLayerType(EStereoLayerType passedInStereoLayerType);


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#include "MyStereoLayerComponent.h"
void UMyStereoLayerComponent::SetStereoLayerType(EStereoLayerType passedInStereoLayerType) {
	StereoLayerType = passedInStereoLayerType;
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Thank you very much, great method. Tried it, now able to access them.

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