No way to move folders to right side?

its a human interface design issue - i guess you guys never get bored enough with unreal engine to explore other industries, other thoughts?

no seriously im here i can talk. but its human interface design. human machine interaction.
the desk is part of the machine, honestly.
if you feel stupid 100% of the time when you use something/do something.
chances are you need to bother someone to fix it#

ok so im going to be very slow “with you” … people. etc.

  1. i use the content browser for assets because file explorer will not support icons
  2. the content view has a folder list on the left, i am forced to ignore it 99% of the time
  3. when i hook in, to go to the assets VIEW, im bracing off the left side with the folders, so i go into ignorance
  4. literally blind and cant re-adjust for 5 seconds
  5. i need to brace off the far left of the screen, the plastic
  7. do i need to mention wheelchairs. when i don’t have one.

almost thought i had a hack - for this (THOUGH THERE IS NO NEED TO STOP THE CONVERSATION)

ok so the hack, there’s 4 content browser in there, in cut and paste OBJC++ style right
i load up one, turn off folders, cache it on the left side of the screen (SAVE THE LAYOUT BECAUSE, gee ill post that tomorrow)

yeh so i got one perfect content browser
just what i need. no need to stop the conversation on why cant put folders on right though.
its the default view and its handicapped its not proof-for-handicaps, (its like a -180 thing)

maybe they golf and like handicaps?
weird brain functions in mortals. right.

no seriously so i load up the second content browser
and now i cant shut off the ICON view.

none of you guys can read. i cant read my messages.
IMAGES to ensue.

OMG WHY IS THIS JAVA GARBAGE SO STUPID. why why - why did you pay these people epic.
answerhub creators just google to find their corporate name. send them hate mail directly USPS.

turns out, with the “hack” - which no child should be left to deal with what i had to overcome

yeh i can drag the icon side of the window all the way so it disappears.

its called a “kludge” its sort of like a wet terd. if i understand german? engineering?