Hi Zorko_co,
Thanks for the heads up. However I tried running as plenty of time before and after I had changed the DNS. I practically tried everything and yet not works, This is really driving me insane. I think I might try my last resort which is to restart my computer and pray like there’s no tomorrow hoping that it works after that. Oh and by the way I’m using windows 7.
I have experienced the same issue and found this thread while trying to find a solution.
Since this seems to be a DNS problem, I though it might be due to lack of rights.
Turns out that by running the launcher as I was able to login without any problems.
I am running Windows 8.1 Enterprise.
Maybe I am the only one stupid enough to not try it instantly but hey, if it works for you as well, I hope I didn’t come off as rude.
I am sad to hear that
I wish you the best of luck with the reboot! Keep us updated, what ever discoveries you do are interesting. I’m looking forward to see what you come up with.
If I can think of anything I’ll post it here.
By the way, what is your current uptime? Maybe resetting the DNS and Network services could do the trick? It might save you from doing a potential hazardous reboot…
Thanks zorko_co, but I’m not sure what you mean by uptime or how to reset the DNS. I’m computer savvy but not to computer savvy.
I think the problem may be one with your ISP or internet provider but I would like to try another test to get more data.
I’d like you to right click on the launcher shortcut and open the short cut properties. In the “Target:” text box, at the end of the line, add the following
The target field will look like this:
“C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Launcher\Portal\Binaries\Win64” -noselfupdate
This will skip the self patch step and attempt to take you to the login screen. The success or failure of that next step may help us find out more info.
Please try this let us know what happens and post your from this attempt. Also remember to REMOVE the -noselfupdate flag after testing.
Hi , I tried it but it still says the same thing. Also I wanted to let you know that I tried installing it on another computer, which is my sister computer and it works perfect. I also tried it on my laptop and it installed perfect. I used the same router with my laptop and my desktop but my desktop still can’t install. I thought it might be the wireless network usb adapter that I was using for my desktop so I went a used a wired network usb adapter but that still didn’t work either.
We’ve tried to reproduce this problem, and unfortunately have not yet been able to do so. We think that one possibility could be that your machine has a proxy server configured. Can you confirm whether there’s a proxy server configured in your Internet Options?
Please can you open Internet Options from the control panel, click on the Connections tab, then click “LAN Settings” and post an image of the resulting dialog box? Can you compare that to the other computers in your network which are able to access our services?
Usually, this is defaulted to just having “Automatically detect settings”.
We haven’t heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you’re still experiencing this issue, please try the suggestion that Yeurch mentioned above. Then post back here with the requested info.
Hello everyone, I just want to say that I finally got unreal working and I really want to thank everyone for their help. Everything you guys told me to do, I did and yet nothing would work. I also saw that I couldn’t even update and download other programs so I decide to completely reset my computer, I figure that would be the only way it could work. After I did that, my computer was back to normal and I was finally able to download unreal. So, again thank you guys for helping me out.