"No Valid Certificate Found" on Mac

I’m trying to deploy a build to iOS using a Mac. I’ve got my developer account, I’ve made successful certificates, identifiers, and provision profiles which Unreal is perfectly willing to accept when I open the project on PC, but for some reason importing the Provision on my Mac always results in it displaying a “No Valid Certificate Found” error, despite the matching certificate being marked Valid directly underneath.

I’m running on a fairly old Macbook with OS 14.6. I’ve also got XCode 11.3.1 installed, but haven’t needed it for anything, since I plan on using Testflight/App Store Connect. The project is empty enough that I wouldn’t have an issue switching Unreal versions if need be, but I’ve run through several different old threads mentioning this error and come up empty handed on what even causes this-- waiting doesn’t fix it, matching the names of my identifier to the project name doesn’t fix it, and running through A fairly recent and in depth youtube tutorial shows Unreal just accepting the provision no problem.

I’m just trying to learn this stuff myself and ran into this issue this past weekend. I do know that the Bundle Identifier needs to be in the form of com.urlname.projectname which you have to designate when registering the App ID. The name that is listed in Bundle ID needs to be the same in both places. That solved my issue.