I’ve literally tried everything to figure this out. I was packaging my iOS project all day with no issues, I didn’t change anything that should of caused this. Now I get these errors, and can’t import a provisioning profile or certificate because of it…
Hi rileygdev,
Since you’ve been packaging your iOS project without incident earlier, I would suggest making a backup of your project folder, then deleting the saved and intermediate folders from your project folder. These will be rebuilt when you relaunch.
If this does not work, try this solution from someone experiencing the same issue, but in an earlier version of the engine:
Let me know if neither of these work.
Hi rileygdev,
Since we have not heard back from you in a few days, we are marking this post “resolved” for tracking purposes. However, if you are still getting this error preventing you from importing a provisioning profile and/or certificate, please respond with what you have tried and we will continue to investigate.