No tilt data in character blueprint

I currently have this as my setup inside a character blueprint, however all I’m getting is a bunch of zeros. Am I doing anything wrong?


I’m experiencing the same thing, however, I can access the Tilt values in the level blueprint.

So for now, untill there’s an answer, you could get the Tilt values in the Level Blueprint and then forward the values to your character. Or something like that :slight_smile:

Okay, so I just tried a few things with Tilt… And here’s what I think you should do.
You should create a PlayerController and access Tilt from there. The things you do in the PlayerController you can easily push to your Player, that’s whhy it exists :slight_smile:

I tried that and it worked. Thanks :slight_smile:

You’re welcome. Don’t forget to mark as answered when your questions are answered :slight_smile: