No sound when Falloff Distance is changed

I have a room with a small section that has seats where I want to add some lounge music if you come inside the section. The music plays when I launch my scene (and set no attenuation). Then, I set it to override attenuation and leave all other settings to default. If I restart my level, it still plays. However, when I then change the falloff distance from default 3600 to e.g. 2000, to have it only played when I’m in the section with seats, I get no sound anymore. I tried to play a lot with the falloff distance (and also with the radius) but I still get no sound. I eventually want to have Radius set to 300 and Falloff to 100, based on the spheres that are displayed. Tried both sound wave and sound cue but the result is the same. Also tried to use a cube instead of a sphere but the problem remains. Am I missing something here?

Thanks for your help.

I’m having the exact same issue.

Here is my workaround.

TL;DR Version

Change your Distance Algorithm to ATTENUATION Natural Sound .

I tried it with the attenuation settings you were looking for and it worked for Sphere, Capsule, and Cone Attenuation Shapes but not Box, which still didn’t work.

I am running on UE 4.14 as well.

The long Version

I decided to create a Sound Queue, and drag my sound into it. I then added the sound queue into the scene (right onto the my mesh), and clicked Override Attenuation, then change the Attenuation Shape to Box and lowered the Falloff Distance. What I found out is that anything below roughly 1550 - 1600 Falloff Distance does not work, but any amount above does.

I then tried the same thing with the Sphere Attenuation Shape and had similar results. Weird right?

Sound Queue and Sound Wave yielded the same results.

However, what I had not changed up to this point was the Distance Algorithm, which is set to Linear by default. When I switched it to Natural Sound, I was able to change the Radius and Falloff Distance to the numbers you had above Radius = 300 and Falloff Distance =100, and was able to hear the sound.

Hi KevinMurphy,

by applying your solution, the problem has been solved. It’s working.

Change your Distance Algorithm to ATTENUATION Natural Sound .

Thanks you very much!!!