No sound on UE4 4.4 with logitech G35 7.1 (Work correctly on 4.3-4.2)


As you can see in my subject, I have a bug “since” the version 4.4. I am not able to hear anything with my headset (Logitech G35, 7.1) But I’m still able to hear properly when I’m using the version 4.3 and I was also the case on the version 4.2. so it’s obviously a bug.

Could you please have a look to solve this problem ? I can’t work properly without sound…
I don’t need workarounds

Thank you very much

Kind Regards

Hi SenTineLs,

Are you using 4.4 installed via the Launcher, or from the GitHub source code?


I’m using the 4.4 installed via the Launcher. I have also verified and removed and reinstalled the version and it doesn’t changed anything

Hi SenTineLs,

We learned of this issue during the 4.4 Preview, and I had thought it was fixed in time for the live 4.4 release, but I was mistaken.

It has however been fixed for the 4.4.1 Hotfix. A Preview of this Hotfix is currently available (information here) and I have tested and confirmed that the 7.1 surround is functional on it.
