Strangely enough, I no longer have any sounds playing in-game on iOS devices in 4.7.5, launching from the editor (compiled from source, running in development mode).
I’ve been developing in Windows/Android mostly, but pretty sure sound was working on my iOS devices (iPhone 4S and iPad mini first gen) back in 4.6.1.
Sound works as expected in the editor and there are no errors in the console to suggest issues running on the device.
I’m playing music through a matinee that is started from a timer on game start via BP (I tested and this function is being called on the device) and I also tried looping a short sound on game start with Audio Component → Play Sound Attached from a blueprint.
Any ideas on how I can troubleshoot this?
I messed around with editor settings a bit and can’t find anyone else with the same problem so I’m a bit stuck.
Thank you for your patience while waiting for someone to get back to you on this.
I see that you have already found a work around for playing sound through matinee.
Have a look at this documentation which covers how to implement sound. The blueprint system can allow you to play in a variety of ways. Either on play, from a trigger event, or even a key bind.
Again thank you for reporting this and your patience.
Please let me know if you are still having this issue or you require further assistance.
This documentation has no answers as to why the sound doesn’t work on iOS. I have this same problem. The audio works on my computer and my android, but not on my iphone. In fact, when I plug in my iphone to a different audio device, the sound also works. It’s only on the iphone speakers that the sound doesn’t work