No smoothing group

When I import my blender object to ue4
I get a message that says “no smoothing group information was found in FBX scene”.
I searched everywhere but I find no. Someone has the answer?
Thank you a lot

As long as all your normals look as expected on the imported mesh, you don’t have to worry about that warning.

Ok thank you but, when i build, the shadow disappears… :confused:

Probably not in any way related to smoothing groups. With “build” you’re referring to building lights? Is it a static light? If so, what’s the lightmap resolution on your floor mesh?

Yes I make reference to building lights. I have not really understand, I took photos
floor: ://i.imgur/iAja3Ei.jpg
box: ://i.imgur/gROtoJW.jpg

Just select your landscape (or the floor mesh) - in the details panel you have to search for “static lighting resolution” - change the value to something between 4 and 6 - click on the “build” button again :slight_smile:
When you still dont get a shadow, make sure that your light is “static” + that you have a lightmass importance volume in your level

Also make sure to re-activate “static shadow” in the details panel of your cube mesh -> on your first pic you can see it

Thank you very much, however, the edges of the shadows are rounded. It is normal?

you don’t get the smoothing groups error if you set smoothing to ‘edge’ when exporting FBX.