So I’ve created a mesh character with Blender and an armature (+ some animations) but when I want to export to UE4, everything is created except the skeleton that seems not recongnized… So my animations doesn’t work for example.
It’s exactly that: You can only have a single bone at the root of your bone hierarchy. I usually create a bone at the origin of my armature, name it “root” and make every other bone a child of that bone (just to be clear not every bone has to be a direct child of that root bone, but that root bone should be the only bone at the bottom of your hierarchy).
Well even after making a root bone (i choose my hips bone to be the parent), I can now import my character but I still not see my skeleton component That’s really weird, I have selected my armature, then my mesh character in objected mode, then I have set the good export fbx parameters… What could go wrong ?