No Shadows

As a newbie to unreal I’m trying to get a more realistic look of my scene. I’m not getting any shadows. I have rebuilt my lighting. What setting am I missing

Could be a few things.

  • Too many lights or lights too bright
  • Skylight too bright
  • Lightmap not ok or resolution too small
  • No static or stationary lights (all dynamic/mobile)

Place a single static light somewhere and bake it then rule out the other points for a start

lights, shadows and various effects better to add at the end of the project the time of loading of that stuff spread over a year of work are a staggering number of loading and waiting for loading every time you click something click loading click loading click loading click loading click loading no matter from the point of view you see it it’s an absurd waste of time

basic colors taken from windows paint use only mesh mechanics landscape
No Siadows
No Lights
No Paricel bloom fog or wanever
Is only a question of efficiency nothing more those are all things that can be added after according to the need of the project you can use another computer on which to work in contemporary in a graphics but that requires a very skilled team and wen you work alone splitting into 2 to do 2 things at the same time is impossible