No shadows on foliage rocks? Help

The images below says what my problem is; the meshes have shadow enabled but no shadows is cast ingame.

Hi ImperiumPandemonium,

Couple of questions:

  • Are you placing the rocks using the foliage tool?
  • Can you post the rock instance settings with the lighting tab visible?
  • If not using Foliage tool for the rocks, I need to see the details panel Lighting tab for the rock.
  • Is your Engine Scalability settings set to EPIC?
  • Is this only happening in this project or map? If you try this in another map, do you get the same results?

Thank you!


I have used the foliage Tools, I have the lighting tap up for one of the rocks inte the foliage tool, every rock has the same instance settings.
I am using the Engine in EPIC scalability. Everything is on the highest setting.

It happened on Another test map too.

Thanks for helping me once again haha

I’ve setup a simple scene with the “Medium_Boulder_001”, some grass and a couple of trees from the Open World Demo content samples.

I’ve also set all my lighting to “movable”, same as your scene indicates from the outliner above.

In your image I can see shadows working for larger objects like trees, and some of the rocks. Try taking a look at your Light Source > Cascaded Shadow Maps > Num Dynamic Shadow Cascades has bee lowered to something close to 1. If this is not set to 3, try setting it there.

I can reproduce something similar to your look by setting this from 3 to 1 in my scene.

As you can see in this shot, lowering the number dynamic shadow cascades only leaves shadows for the larger objects.

Let me know if that helps,


I thought of that too, but I checked and my shadow cascade has been set to 3 the whole time. Maybe i’ll try to delete the light source and replace it with a new one and set it to 3 to, to see if that one too is faltering.

I’ll update soon, just trying to figure out how to unwrap uv on a leaf mesh, I have never unwrapepd uvs before haha

Thank you! Let me know how it goes.

Also, if you’ve not already it may be worth it to try a couple of assets in a new project. It doesn’t have to be the kite demo collection since this appears to be all your asset and not just the rocks that are affected by the shadows quality.

Also post a screenshot of your light settings if you dont mind. Use the Eye in the top right of the details panel and select Show Only Modified properties to make it easier.

Half the trees(not the Kitedemo ones) I have in the scene I modeled in SpeedTree, those give off a perfect shadow, like the kite demo trees, it’s just the kite demo rocks, I have several other rock meshes that’s not from the kite demo, that cast a better shadow then the kite demo rocks., I have not used them in the scene though.

Another question, if I’m not imposing too much and going to offtopic.
How do I create a workable albedo texture for a single leaf??

I have spent several days preparing 6 different single leaf textures, I thought I got the albedo right, but in speedtree and unreal it doesn’t have that realistic feeling the kite demo leaf textures has. How can I achieve this, I been using both GIMP and Photoshop to try to achieve this, I come close but not as near as I want.

I have an Albedo, a Normal and a Specular map created for half the leaves, each leaf got a little better then the next so that’s progress atleast.

Also, when are you implementing the change that 32 texture samples could be used in a material? Because before 4.7 Epic had said it would be implemented in 4.7

I’ve not used SpeedTree for adding my own textures, so I’m not too familiar with any process that’s involved there.

Marmoset has some good tutorials that may help with PBR setup and use here: Tutorials & Resources | Marmoset

For the albedos in the Kite Demo there was a proprietary process created here that allowed the textures to have lighting information removed to create a good albedo. I don’t work with the team that created the demo, so I’m not sure if this process was used with the trees as well.

Those textures are very high resolution (4096), so if you use something larger you can probably get better quality results that way. It’s best to keep iterating and testing until you find something that you’re happy with for your game.

For Texture Samples, this was increased with 4.6.

The sample size was increased from 13 usable texture samples to 128.

Take a look at “New Material System Features” section: