No Rider IDE option in default source code editor settings UE 4.25.3

Hi there!
I wanted to try rider for unreal engine preview, I like jetbrains products so I decided to try out and found no rider option from the settings I installed the newest version of UE which suppose to have rider support out of the box and of course I checked if the plugin is disabled or not.
your help will be awesome :slight_smile:

I’d like to know about this as well. It worked back when I tried the very first Rider version, however it doesn’t work anymore. The Rider link itself is working, I can compile from Rider and start UE4 from Rider and I can debug without any issues.

What is not working is the fact that I cannot select Rider in the Code Editor dropdown, as it’s not there at all. It’s as if it was not detecting that Rider was installed. I was excited today to try out the new version, I tried installing it, uninstalling the plugin and reinstalling it, but I still don’t get the Rider option in the Code Editor dropdown in Unreal.

I’m guessing the Rider detection is just not looking at the right thing, if someone could at least tell me which registry I need to create to make it work that would be great.

Thanks !

If you are looking to enable the “Rider” option from the “Source Code Editor” in the Editor Preferences, I found out by looking at the source code released there, that it is first looking at the Jetbrains Toolbox installation location (in the registry), and then if it doesn’t find it there, it will look at Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ for a key (folder) called “Rider”. In there, you should have a string called “InstallLocation” that has the base Rider path (e.g. C:\Rider). You can also add another string key called “DisplayVersion” which will determine the text displayed in the dropdown, so for example if you put 2020.2.2, you will see "Rider 2020.2.2 (installed) as a choice in the Source Code Editor option.
In order for all of that to work, I had to download the source code for RiderSourceCodeAccess on GitHub and follow the instructions to compile the plugin.

  1. You need to unzip the content into one of your UE4 projects folder, here: {UnrealProjectRoot}/Plugins/Developer/RiderSourceCodeAccess
  2. Then you regenerate the solution file from the uProject.
  3. Then you open the solution using Rider and you start the project, which will compile the plugin.
  4. Then in the UE4 Editor, there should be a plugin called “Rider Integration”, which is hidden at the very bottom of the list, under Project/programming.
  5. Make sure the Rider Integration plugin is enabled.
  6. Once it’s enabled and the editor has been restarted, you should now see the Rider (installed) option for the Source Code Editor in the Editor Preferences window.
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thank you for your answer :slight_smile:

Hey there, help me please to understand - how can I compile from rider for unreal?
Unfortunately the next option - Compile Before Play works only once, and then I need manually unchecking the box and check it again for next compiling before pressing the Play button.


Can you press “Build Solution” ? CTRL+SHIFT+B


yup, I can

Just because I also had this issue just now:
Apparently enabling Rider Link sometimes doesn’t also enable source code access in UE5. I manually edited the .uproject file and removed the bit that’s circled in red and it immediately picked it up and set rider as default source editor.

To fix the issue, I installed Jetbrains Toolbox, re-installed Rider through it, and then Rider finally appeared in the list of code editors.

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Did you remember to install it? I’m serious! I bought it, and I’d forgotten to install it. So that’s why it didn’t work.