I have done every single thing listed in the instructions. There is nothing I did not do.
I linked accounts. I recieved an email telling me they are linked. I type www.github.com/epicgames/unrealengine4 or click my way to it and nothing… just a 404 error. If I google “Unreal Engine 4 Github” and click on the most relevent then I get a github page with a link telling me to do everything I have already done and of course to be logged in while I’m freakin’ logged in. This is frustrating. I also looked at other forums, simply google searched the issue and even tried youtube but it has all been an utter waste of my time.
Does the repositories no longer exist or have the instructions changed or is there some added thing not in the instructions that one must do to get the repositories?
Can anyone help me figure this out? I can post screenshots if needed.
I’m seeing the same thing. I entered my GitHub account name in my Unreal account settings and almost immediately got an email saying “You’ve Added GitHub Association To Your Epic Games account”.
I’ve tried going to https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine in two different web browsers, but both get a “Page not found”. It’s been an hour since I got the email saying my account has been linked.
I only got the one email. I see in an old 2014 forum post that there is (was?) supposed to be a second email.
A friend is also getting the same issue, so this may be a new issue for new accounts.
When you go to https://www.github.com do you get your repository? And, if you do… there is a drop down box in the top left (still in the main window) and if you click on it, do you see EpicGames?
PS: I am pretty sure that you will get 404 error if you do not have the correct permissions to the Unreal Engine source…
I see a drop down box with my user name. When I expand it, I see “Switch dashboard context” and below that I see “You don’t belong to any organizations.”
Dev… It does indeed appear you do not have the necessary access rights to EpicGames organization. When you go to your profile page here on unrealengine.com do you see GITHUB ACCOUNT NAME? Is the GitHub account name that you created on Github.com in that field?
Hey teak, the GITHUB ACCOUNT NAME shows as “devvancouver”. I entered it as “DevVancouver”, but it seems to auto format to lower case.
I just tried creating a new github account and a new unreal account and I was able to gain access. Encouraged, I tried re-entering my github account in my DevVancouver unreal profile and it worked this time! I’m not sure what’s happened in the last few hours, but I’ll take it.
FYI, when I went to Epic Games · GitHub this time, I still didn’t see a repository, but I did see a message at the top of the page that I’ve been invited to join the EpicGames group. I followed that and I now have access to the repository.
I see no github account name when I’m signed into this website while looking at my profile. Sorry for the double post, should have searched here first. 99/