No replication through AddLocalOffset?


My character has a sphere (static mesh) as a child component (pic. 1).

The character is correctly replicated and the sphere follows its parent correctly as long as i move the character.

But the sphere is supposed to be remotely controlled, and when i do this, the sphere is not replicated any longer (pic. 2):

  • right (local point of view): the sphere is moving toward the table as it is supposed to. All ok.
  • left (non local point of view = point of view of another character): the sphere is still stuck to the character.

So the sphere position is replicated when i move the whole character, but it is not when i move the sphere alone.

Here is the sphere declaration in the character header (adding “Replicated” leads to a compile error):

	UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = Hand)
		TSubobjectPtr<UStaticMeshComponent> Hand;

Here is the creation of the sphere in the cpp file:

	Hand = PCIP.CreateDefaultSubobject<UStaticMeshComponent>(this, TEXT("Hand"));
	Hand->AttachParent = CapsuleComponent;

And here how it’s moved around (the LookUp function is called on mouse up/down movement):

void AYagCharacter::LookUp(float Value)
	if (!IsHandPossessed)
		Hand->AddLocalOffset(FVector(-HandSpeed*Value, 0, 0), false);


Can anyone help me understand what i am doing wrong ?

Thank you

Just in case.

Following this post:

i tried to modify the BaseGame.ini file, adding this:


to the [/Script/Engine.GameNetworkManager] block.
It didn’t change anything.


Just in case someone is interested, a part of the solution is to use the SetIsReplicated function for the component.


Then the replication is ok from the server to the client, but not from the client to the server.

But i think the client → server communication is another problem.


Ok, everything works fine now.

The component replication was handled by the SetIsReplicated function and i used RPCs to send messages from the client to the server.

This ticket can be marked as solved.
