No Rename, Delete or Drag command for Slot and Group from Animation Slot Manager at Animation Montage?
Please at to UE4.6.1 or new coming UE4.7 version.
No Rename, Delete or Drag command for Slot and Group from Animation Slot Manager at Animation Montage?
Please at to UE4.6.1 or new coming UE4.7 version.
Hi Peude,
I agree these would be nice features and I am writing a feature request although it may get rejected because this might be intentional due to the work flow. However, before I do, I do not know what you mean by “drag” command. (I understand the “delete” and “rename” feature request.) -If you let me know, I’ll add it.
Thanks…Happy New Year. Ignore Drag command here. Last Question…When UE4.7 will released i will reactive again my account. :). Make this completed…Thanks
Thanks…Happy New Year. Ignore Drag command here. And i tried your tutorial using Punch animation by combine the Upperbody and LowerBody. Punch are not punching straight. Last Question…When UE4.7 will released i will reactive again my account. :).
Youtube: - YouTube
Introduction to Third Person Blueprint game - 20 - Using Slot Nodes and Branch Points in UE4.
Hi Peude,
Thanks for the clarification. I’ve entered your feature request as JIRA [UE-7085]. Let me know if you need any more information regarding this thread.
Again, Happy New Year!