No Preset Available -- Remote web control app

Well, got the solution. I’ve simply added the preset as it is in the scene and it got loaded as an actor (but without blueprint).
After i built the project, it crashed and gave me assertion failed error as soon as the game started, however i removed the async loading thread from the project setting and voiala! it worked!
Hope this will work with you and any other person faces this issue :slight_smile:


Er… I can’t understand. What do you mean ‘added the preset in the scene’? What scene do you mean? And which config in the project setting shall be removed?
Can you share more details?

You mean this ?
Just because of the async loading , the preset not worked?

Yes this is what i removed, and i simply dragged and dropped the remote control to the scene.
Sorry for the late response, but there was a problem with my account.

There is no method to set the preset, there’s only methods to
get the preset, set the properties and calling functions.
While trying to do via postman, everything works.
But the webapp holds its own session, so how to make the webapp initialize the preset on its own?