No more sounds on UE4 games, either steam or Epic, why?

Since a crash on an Unreal Engine 4 game (sea of ​​thieves not to mention it), I no longer have any sound on any other game developed on Unreal Engine 4, whether it’s With-it, Fortnite or Sea of ​​thieves.
I have already contacted Rare support and after several investigations it seems that the problem comes from UE4 or windows 10 with UE4.
So I come to you for help.
Thank you.

For more details :

  • the sound process does not appear in the windows audio mixer
  • authorizations to use audio output are authorized for all software.
  • no problem with sound on any other software that does not use the UE4.
    Attempts at repair:
  • updated drivers, all.
  • games uninstalled, directories cleaned and then re-installed, still no sounds.
  • manual deletion + cleaning of all unreal engine files from the pc: done, no results.


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