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Using 4.6.1 for a design test, first project kept crashing for no reason, made a new one. This one was working perfectly with no crashes at all. Came back into it tonight (didn’t add or remove anything in the project) and playing the project results in an instant crash. Crash file zipped up and attached here. link text

Hi Pinchinator13,

I was able to locate your crash in our Crash Reporter. Your crash is a known issue (the JIRA for same, for reference, is UE-15553) and is apparently related to compiling after a blueprint dispatched event. It has been fixed, however I do not know at this time if the fix will make it into the 4.8 release.

As such, what you can try is this:

Make a copy of your project, and
download the most recent 4.8 preview.

Delete from your Engine folder: DDC

Delete from your Project folder:
Intermediate, Saved, Binary and DDC.

Restart your computer.

Then migrate
your project to a new blank project in
the most recent 4.8 preview.

If it continues to crash, please provide fresh logs.

Thanks and good luck!