Hey guys,
I’m trying to package my game for Android to test some features on mobile but I get hit by this error when trying to package it.
I am using a plugin for brashmonkey’s Spriter program(Found Here) which has been made in 2014.
The plugin probably uses old code which isn’t used by 4.17 anymore, but I don’t know what to change the used functions in.
These are the errors I’m getting when trying to package:
But summarized these are the errors I’m getting:
error: no member named 'GetSourceData' in 'UAssetImportData'
OutTags.Add( FAssetRegistryTag(SourceFileTagName(), AssetImportData->GetSourceData().ToJson(), FAssetRegistryTag::TT_Hidden) );
error: no member named 'GetSourceSize' in 'UPaperSprite'
const float PivotInPixelsX = SpriteFile>GetSourceSize().X * Keys[0]->PivotX;
error: no member named 'GetSourceSize' in 'UPaperSprite'
const float PivotInPixelsY = SpriteFile>GetSourceSize().Y * (1.0f - Keys[0]->PivotY);
error: no member named 'SetPivotMode' in 'UPaperSprite'
SpriteFile->SetPivotMode(ESpritePivotMode::Custom, FVector2D(PivotInPixelsX, PivotInPixelsY));
ERROR: UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item: C:\Users\sembe\Documents\repositories\angelolauncher\AngeloLauncher\Plugins\Spriter-master\Binaries\Android\UE4-Spriter-armv7-es2.a
These all refer to the spriter plugin I’m using.
Any help is appreciated!