No Marketplace Support Response After launching Ticket

After sending a request for marketplace support with details like screenshots of problem, market place support fails to even reply to any ticket, It’s like i’m being ignored totally by Support and my request for assistance, Why does market Support no longer reply to any request made by my account, you revoke my ability to comment & make reviews of products because one product i made a review that was one star and gave the reasons why i thought that product was one star, my review is removed then i am banned from using the service, you don’t reply for assistance to remove the ban, If this is the case you ban people for making reviews you don’t like then ignore requests for support based on your ego’s being hurt, I will no longer purchase anything from your store and will withhold releasing products to sell on the marketplace i have developed as i can not reply to customers questions or concerns. Seems to me everything is run by the same moderator teams across all platforms as they ban any person who doesn’t agree with them, nor can anyone make a complaint about a poor product without being account banned. This all seems very cartel from big tech, since you people decided to ban a U.S President across all platforms you seem to just ban anyone you like for any reason citing silly things like trolling when someone makes a complaint about a product or does not agree with the developers view point on any subject matter, Why do you ignore support requests now?
I notice 61 people have visited yet not one person can respond, Your a bunch of leftwing flops.

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