I’m a UI designer and, while I love/prefer to work in Unreal for a plethora of reasons, I typically cannot stand working in UMG over more robust systems like Unity UI. For the past 5+ years UMG has been all but stagnant (or as I like to refer to it, “the red headed step-child of Unreal Engine”) and only JUST got letter-spacing two months ago! I’d hoped advancements were all being saved for UE5. I know it’s still early, but UMG looks completely untouched for UE5. Of all the tools I use in UI design, UMG is by-far my least favorite while also being the most necessary.
I didn’t expect to get After Effects in UE5 (though it’d have been close to the advancements all other creative aspects seem to have gotten) but I’d hoped to at least see it break away from the strict 2D, neutered material space, and limited font handling we’ve been stuck with for so long. At least a contender against Unity’s native UI system.
So, is this something I should even hold my breath for?