[No Longer Hiring] Dead Men Walking - Programmer, Weapon Artist, Character Artist, 2D Artist

Project Title:
Dead Men Walking


Dead Men Walking is a Wild West multiplayer battle royale with randomly generated terrain and towns. Every 3 minutes, the player with the most kills is marked Most Wanted, forcing all other players closer to them until there’s only one left standing.

This is a paid project for building the Prototype which will be promoted for Kickstarter funding of a larger project.


  • Wild West theme.
  • First person view point.
  • Horse Riding.
  • GameSparks backend for matchmaking.

Team Structure**:**

**Lead Designer **- Nathan Weatherford

  • Manage expenses and budget.
  • Build and manage community. Website, Newsletter, Subreddit, Discord, Twitch, Kickstarter.
  • Engage in promotion with media sites to build interest.
  • Edit and publish promotional videos / screenshots.
  • Set project goals and manage tasks.
  • Assist with high level scripting and art design as needed.

Talent Required:


  • Manage replication and GameSparks network integration set up with Battle Royale plugin.
  • Assist Lead Designer and Lead Artist with Blueprint.
  • Integrate EasyBallistics Plugin with weapons.
  • Integrate Talent (Skill) Tree Builder plugin with game mode and replication.
  • **Expand Battle Royale plugin inventory system to include item pick up. **
  • Modify Horse Riding and Taming Kit to allow replicated horse following, riding, and firing weapons from horseback.

Weapon Artist

  • Source or design (rig, texture, and animate) 3 Wild West weapon assets. Revolver, repeater, and rifle.

Character Artist

  • Source or design male model with 2 modular Wild West outfits. Cowboy and Indian.
  • **Source or animate player animations for movement and horse riding. **

2D Artist

  • Design Wild West stylized in-world GUI. Health, ammo, inventory, and notifications.
  • Design Menu UI. Main, pause, and connecting.

Development Milestones**:**

Phase I - Pre-Production (This project)
Proof of Concept Standalone
Assemble Core Dev Team
Define Prototype Scope of Work + Budget
Define Kickstarter Goals + Stretch Goals
Launch Website
Launch Newsletter
Launch Subreddit
Launch Discord
Launch Twitch
Complete prototype

Phase II - Kickstarter
Kickstarter with Prototype footage
Backed or unbacked, order everyone pizza.

Phase III - Production
Alpha - No release
Code Freeze
Beta - Public testing

Phase IV - Release
Green Man Gaming

E-mail: [EMAIL=“nathaniel.weatherford@gmail.com”]nathaniel.weatherford@gmail.com
Discord: MeowMiau#4811

E-mailed you, Nathaniel. Also concerning the musician opening you’d advertised for on Reddit; the mails should be from Higher Eclectic Ground. :slight_smile:

Hey Nathaniel, I’d love to chat with you about the weapons and characters you guys need. I’ll shoot over an email and nice touch with ordering everyone pizza once phase II is complete :stuck_out_tongue:


I can do the programming for you, my first project was a little game I made as a test, can be downloaded at http://www.indiedb.com/games/annihilation-ten4, The second and biggest was Heavy Gear Assault for Stompy Bot a Canadian company, I just finished building a Skate Board prototype for a British group AirShip Images. If you would like to chat more PM me then we can make contact.

Cheers GARTH

Thank you all. We have filled all positions for this project. Feel free to email me or add me on Discord still as it is always good to know artist’s in case we run into issues.