No longer able to open my project

While working on a project that I’ve been working on for over a year now, I moved some of the stuff from my map’s content folder into a new folder, so separate it from an asset that I had imported. After moving these assets into a new folder, it would no longer let me start a session. Assuming it was a glitch, I saved, closed the editor, and re-opened it. After that, whenever I try to open up my project, I am met with this error message, "Failed to open project
C:/Users/----_/Documents/Fortnite Projects/UncrackableRoyale Update 4.0/UncrackableRoyale.uefnproject

Failed to load game feature plugin
C:/Users/----_/Documents/Fortnite Projects/UncrackableRoyale Update 4.0/Plugins/UncrackableRoyale/UncrackableRoyale.uplugin
Failure, ErrorCode=GameFeaturePlugin.StateMachine.Registering.Plugin_Missing_GameFeatureData, OptionalErrorText="

Is there a way to get my project back open, or is it gone? I’d take losing a bit of progress if that’s what it takes to get my project back.

@Gravyman Thank you for your report! We would like to look into this further, would you be able to submit a bug report using the form available here: Fortnite Creative

Have you tried making a new project and then importing that map into it?

How to do it?

I have the same problem, how to import map into the new project??

I think you actually can only migrate a level from a project that you can open, which is unfortunate.
My apologies, I thought there may have been able to import from another project but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

I feel your pain.

I had similar incidents which forced me into the habit of making zip files each night of my current project’s folder. I add a version number and description to the zip file name.

I’ve used new development technologies from many companies and in the “bleeding edge” stage, projects get trashed fairly frequently.

Luckily the revision control is provided to us to use. It doesn’t help in these cases retroactively but I’m using it all of my projects going forward. Essentially even if its a test environment, once I’ve gotten to a point where I don’t want to lose what I have I’ll enable it.

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I’m much too paranoid to trust anyone’s revision control. Zipped backups for me!