No linear speed scaling for third person character movement? Controller deadzone?

I’m not sure if “deadzones” are the correct term here, so hopefully I can explain what I want to achieve:

I want the controller left stick to only allow the third person character to:
-Idle and not move if the stick is less than 20% of the way pushed in any direction
-Set the walk speed right away after crossing that threshold

So instead of accelerating the character linearly along the sticks movement, I want it to set the walking speed after a certain deadzone and have no values in between.

Is something like that possible with the default third person controller/blueprints?

Thanks for any advice!

u can add a deadzone modifier in the action of enhanced inputs, this auto remap your .2 to 1 in 0 to 1 and convert all less than the lower threshold in 0

u can also add the modifier in the “Input mapping context”

I converted my inputs to Enhanced Inputs since I didn’t have that before, so I could try this solution.

I added the dead zone to the movement, which solves the first point. But after that .2 threshold, it still linearly scales the walk speed. I need it to go to to the max walk speed right away. So how do I do point #2 in my original post?

I would try 3 options:
1)try changing the value type to Digital(bool)
2)after the triggered put a float “floor” node in the action value
3)create a custom mod
create a new blueprint

select the input modifier

inside your input modifier select “Modify raw”
split the structure pin
Connect like this

finally add this mod in your action