I made a fresh install of UE 4.19 Preview to be able to use the newly implemented Steam Audio and Resonance Audio. However, after I did everything according to the manual like adding -audiomixer to the startup command line and editing the project settings I still do not get the option to use “SPATIALIZATION HRTF” as the desired spatialization method. The edit window does not even look like the one in the manual…
These are my project format settings.
My attenuation settings look like this:
But they should look like this:

I also have the option to add an attentuation plugin setting further down in the edit window, but adding a spatialization plugin like the one below does not make any audible difference.
The same problem exists when I am trying to use Resonance Audio…
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
Hi ,
The GUI for adding plugins changed between versions 4.18 → 4.19 of Unreal. The “SPATIALIZATION HRTF” is no longer available in 4.19 (has replaced with ‘Binaural’). So, the settings that you have in pics 1, 2 & 4 look correct (pic. 3 shows the ‘old’ GUI).
One thing you might want to check is the channel count in your audio asset? AFAIK, Unreal currently allows for spatialization of mono sounds only (although I’m pretty sure there would be silence if your asset is stereo…).
OOC, Have you tried changing the ‘Spatialization Method’ from ‘Binaural’ to ‘Panning’ (and back) while previewing the game in the Editor (PIE)? There should definitely be an audible difference when you do that.
Thank you for your answer!
Yes I installed 4.18 and used Steam Audio in that version instead and noticed that it worked flawlessly there! And yes, I did notice a difference between binaural and panning but I thought that was Unreal’s default spatialization methods and not Steam Audio!