No GPU found, despite it exists on the PC

How can this happen, when I have a GPU and it is visible to the OS, but Reality capture can not identify it, even though it identify it every time after PC restart, but during processing it fails, and can not identify anymore.

Hi Serob,
this is not an usual error. I was able to find only one post regarding this error: "Your Computer Does Not Have a Nvidia Graphics Card"
Can you try the promoted solution?

Which RealityCapture version are you using? Were you running RealityCapture on that machine before? What do you mean by that RealityCapture identifies it and then not? Do you see the GPU under MESH MODEL/Create Model/Settings/Advanced/GPUs to use?

I’ll try to look at the URL.

I’ve tried on 1.4.1 and 1.5.1.
By saying “identifies” I mean visibility in MESH MODEL/Create Model/Settings/Advanced/GPU