No Gizmos in custom ComponentVisualizer


I’ve been developing a tool for myself that is making a network of locations in the level. Instead of placing tons of empty actors for that, I decided to use an array of FVectors and draw connections between them with a custom ComponentVisualizer class.
For some time I’ve been writing this tool in UE5.3.2, but recently I had to update it to 5.4.3. And what has been working so far, now, with the new UE version, is not.

Basically, I’ve been using Proxies and VisProxyHandleClick method in the visualization class as a way to select and manipulate points position. Something like in this gif:
[If you don’t see a gif, it shows a group of points that can be clicked and a Gizmo appears in their position].

I tried to search for the solution for this but there’s little to no info about using ComponentVisualizer this way and even less info about the problem I’m having.

I found a blog post that shows how to make such a network of points (the gif above comes from that place) - it’s in Japanese, but it is not hard to understand with auto-translate and a lot of code examples. 【UE5】ComponentVisualizerを活用してデータを視覚化 - トンコツ開発ブログ
I made a new project, followed the steps up to the step 6 and it didn’t work.

Is there anybody who had the similar problem as I had? I will be grateful if anybody managed to make it work as I have no idea what I am doing wrong or why this method doesn’t work anymore.
I try to analyze SplineComponentVisualizer from time to time to find out why gizmos are working there and not in my visualizer, but there’s a lot of code to analyze and I am making a tool in my spare time.

Last note: I don’t give my code examples, as I have problem with running the shuntaendo’s example and I want to focus on this.

I found out that changing inheritance in my component from UActorComponent to USceneComponent fixed the issue, but partially. The gizmo started showing up, but there’s still a strange bug that all the sprites in the level light up when I click the HitProxy. Also, GetWidgetLocation method is not being called until I click on the second point - after that, everything works as before.

Will update the topic if I find anything.