I have searched online and it turns out there are not solution to my problem. I have Visual Studio 2013 Professional installed and the latest 4.5 Unreal engine. But when I right-click the .uproject file there are no choice for me to generate VS solution. I have to run the .uproject to get the VS Solution, but I find that’s not convenient.
So anyone has any idea on how to solve the problem?
I only find the version Selector from Launcher/Engine/Binaries/Win64…I have run it but it says “The current folder does not contain an engine installation”…I have also tried uninstall and reinstall everything,but it still happens…
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What is the issue that you’re having? If you are trying to create the VS solution files from your .uproject, is the project code based or purely blueprints?
I have a similar issue, and I cannot yet solve it.
In the past, when my uproject files did not have the unreal right click options, I would just run the engine, it would detect the problem, and it would pop up and ask me if it should fix it.
This time, I ran 4.18.3 and 4.17.2, and it neither detected the problem, nor offered to fix it. I’m installing older versions in hopes that one of them still does this.
VersionSelector exe doesn’t do anything for me, same as Schiney above. I ran it from every location, and it just doesn’t work.