No current map error in movie pipleline render

Hi, I’ve tried to follow this tutorial to render a move using an editor utility widget.

I get the following error:

LogMovieRenderPipeline: Warning: Unable to start movie pipeline job. No current map.

I assume it’s something to do with me doing this via a utility widget but I don’t have much experience in UE5 so don’t know how to fix it.

I can render the sequence manually without a problem. I want to do this via a blueprint because I want to add some functionality to save some per frame information, and my plan was to open a file, start the render, and have an event outputting the additional data, and then close the file at the end of the render.

Can anyone help? Thanks

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Did you find a solution to this? I’m having the same issue.

I believe the Blueprint pipeline for this is broken.
If I create a Python script to call the render where I set the map of the job like this:

job = queue.allocate_new_job()
job.set_editor_property('map', unreal.SoftObjectPath(MAP_PATH))
job.set_editor_property('sequence', unreal.SoftObjectPath(LEVEL_SEQUENCE_PATH))

It works!

However, doing the same in Blueprints I continue to get the ‘No current map’ error.

Map path and Sequence path are the same for both Blueprints and Python versions, of course.

The complete error for the Blueprint version is:
Warning: Unable to start movie pipeline job. No current map.