I have had 4.11 crash a couple times, And each time it just CTD’s.
4.10 has shown a crash reporter every time, But 4.11 has not done this for me.
The log files only mention a fatal crash followed by some PhysX unlocking error’s.
I have had 4.11 crash a couple times, And each time it just CTD’s.
4.10 has shown a crash reporter every time, But 4.11 has not done this for me.
The log files only mention a fatal crash followed by some PhysX unlocking error’s.
Hi ryan20fun,
We would like for every crash to be caught by Crash Reporter but sometimes the editor will crash before that process starts or just hard crashes.
Are you seeing this on completely unrelated crashes?
Can you include repro steps or a test project so I can test this in-house?
Sorry about the late reply.
I will do some repro tests today and get back to you.
Repro steps:
Create “First Person C++ Template”
(I upgraded the 4.10 version where I tested it, The crash reporter shows up BTW)
UPROPERTY( EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = Gameplay )
class APawn* CrashPawn = nullptr;
to “FirstPersonDemoCharacter.h”
and add:
CrashPawn->bUseControllerRotationYaw = false;
To the “OnFire” method.
Then UE4.11 CTD’s when I left click.
Is this sufficient?
Are you not getting a Crash Reporter window at all, or is the window just not giving any information?
Are you using a build from Source or a binary version of the editor from the Launcher?
No crash reporter at all, Maybe it is something on my side.
I am using the prebuilt binaries for 4.11.2
Go to your Launcher. In the Library tab, go to the Launch button on your engine version and click the arrow to the right of the button. Select “Options”. Do you have Editor Symbols for Debugging checked or not? If so, please install these and see if you get the crash reporter window.
Also, as another suggestion, click that same arrow and choose the Verify option and cause the crash again.
Let me know if either of these suggestions work for you.
Sorry for the late reply.
Doing a verify did not work, And I do have the debug symbols.
Is there a place where I can place a debug point to see if the crash handle is being called?
I will try stepping through the code where I cause the crash.
I just thought of this, Here is the relevant section of the log:
[2016.05.10-16.45.24:022][188]PIE: Info Play in editor start time for /Game/FirstPersonCPP/Maps/UEDPIE_0_FirstPersonExampleMap 0.794
[2016.05.10-16.45.24:022][188]LogBlueprintUserMessages: Late PlayInEditor Detection: Level ‘/Game/FirstPersonCPP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap.FirstPersonExampleMap:PersistentLevel’ has LevelScriptBlueprint ‘/Game/FirstPersonCPP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap.FirstPersonExampleMap:PersistentLevel.FirstPersonExampleMap’ with GeneratedClass ‘/Game/FirstPersonCPP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap.FirstPersonExampleMap_C’ with ClassGeneratedBy ‘/Game/FirstPersonCPP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap.FirstPersonExampleMap:PersistentLevel.FirstPersonExampleMap’
[2016.05.10-16.45.33:563][359]LogWindows:Error: === Critical error: ===
Fatal error!
[2016.05.10-16.45.33:672][359]LogExit: Executing StaticShutdownAfterError
What happens if you PIE and open the console using the ` key and then type in debug crash?
Are you getting a crash reporter window with this method?
Unfortunetly, No.
My main problem with this bug is that the editor just disapears, So I have a good idea that I did something wrong.
Have you made any changes to the config files or altered any settings you may be aware of that could have caused this issue?
I have not seen this occurring on my end.
Not that I am aware of, I will go through my settings and check for anything that stands out,
You can try this:
I do not have the data cap to reinstall the engine again, But I do have a backup copy from immedietly after the install (I have done this since I somehow got 4.10 to corrupt a usf shader)
I will probably try removing the saved stuff from appdata.
And a diff between the installed version and my backup only finds transient build files from projects being different.
Let me know if reverting to the backup copy allows you to see crash reporter windows again.
Also, if you get the chance to reinstall the engine after removing the appdata folders, please let me know the results of that as well.
I have exactly the same problem.
Never see a crash report window after upgrade to 4.11.
Even though it crash a lot when I compile my blueprint.
It just worked fine when 4.10.
If you’re getting a crash without seeing the Crash Reporter window come up try following the information on this Wiki: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums
Sometimes when a hard crash like this happens it’s caused by Windows or could be UE4. This will show information about that Crash that Sean can then check up on and be able to proceed. Post the information gathered using the Wiki above back here for us to help. Thanks.
Hi Tim. This is unrelated to the question however I would like to inform you that there is a bug with the “Mention” system. If you click on your tag where you "Mention"ed tianqi you will see that it redirects to my profile instead.
@Damon Askavio
Thanks for letting me know. We’ll escalate that and see what’s going on.