No Collision Option in Niagara System

Hi everyone,

I cant find the option to choose a collision actor or static mesh… in Niagara.
Using UE 5.1

Any suggestions?

You can use the built-in collision modules in Niagara.

To do this, you can add a “Collision” module to your Niagara emitter. This module allows you to specify the type of collision you want (e.g. sphere, box, capsule), as well as the size and location of the collision shape. You can also specify whether the collision shape should be static or dynamic.

You can also use the “Particle Event” module to trigger events when your particles collide with the collision shape. This can be useful for creating effects such as explosions or impacts.

Another way to achieve collision is by using the “Renderer” module, where you can specify a static mesh you want to use and set the collision type, which will be used as a collision shape for the particles.

Keep in mind that if you use a static mesh as a collision shape, the mesh must have a collision data and you will have to set the collision channel to use for the collision to happen.

I hope this helps!


thank you for the explanation.
Unfortunately I don’t get where to find the built-in module for collision and I don’t know how to add a module.
If I rightclick in the System Overview window, no Options appear.
If I click on the plus-symbol next to “renderer” or “emitter spawn” f.e. , there is no module named something like “collision”.

Am I search for the wrong term? Or am I searching on the wrong path?