No cast shadow with 3rd person attached Flashlight(spot light)

I’ve setup a small world in UE 5.3 preview, and I have a 3rd Person BP actor that i’ve moved the camera boom to create a sudo 1st person player. IT’s just the regular UE5 Maniquin. I’ve attached a “spotlight” to the HEad and have a keystroke “F” to turn it on and off ingame. But as much as I check and uncheck the cast shadow options, this light never casts a dynamic shadow.
What could I be doing wrong? Is this a bug?

Is the light actually in the head? Then it might not work correctly.

No, it was outside and I realized that because of the position of it being exactly in line with the camera, it was casting a shadow but you don’t really see it because of this. THe shadows align in a way that you don’t really notice them.

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