Hello everyone, I downloaded a block structure from the Marketplace to create a level, but for some reason there is no material on the blocks themselves, in the fall in the 4.26.2 engine, the blocks still had color. How to return the blue color to the material?
You have to create a material and apply it to your object.
This is block level and should be with your own materials. All the materials are empty for some reason, SuperGridpack was loaded from the Marketplace, there are textures in the folders, but for some reason all the materials are empty.
I just made a fresh supergrid project, and it worked fine. Have you checked for updates in the launcher?
Yes, the launcher has been updated to the problem. The data size is different from yours. in versions 4.27.1 and 4.26.2 I still have a problem. Started checking engine files.
I’m using 4.27.2
Yes, I also use it, it turns out, I did not know that the version was updated))
Launcher version
What do you say needs to be updated?
I guess you have to make a fresh SuperGrid project and then migrate it to your main project ( while it’s not open in the editor ).
Yes, you need to Migrate a project without adding an example level map and some other unnecessary files in the “parent project”.
The cache size has not changed and remained 185 MB. after updating the launcher, the size may be updated, but this is strange, all the textures are loaded, and I see the weight of the folder has increased.
Ah, great