No audio with UE 4.25 and Wwise 2019.2.4.7329.1721


I’m trying to use Wwise on UE4 for the first time, so I might be missing something here. I need to get Wwise integrated into a UE4 project. I have taken the following steps to play some sound effects within UE4:

  1. Created a few SFX assets in the Actor-Mixer Hierarchy.
  2. Created events to trigger the SFX assets. For example, I’ve created an event called AE_Sword1H_Draw from within the Unreal Editor, which also created it within Wwise.
  3. Linked all events to sound effects in Wwise.
  4. Created UPROPERTY variables in the .h file of an in-game item as such:

 UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "Weapon | Sounds")
class UAkAudioEvent* AttackEvent;

  1. Dragged the Wwise events into the blueprint.
  2. Used code to play the sound effects. For example:

FOnAkPostEventCallback InteractCallback;
UAkGameplayStatics::PostEvent(AttackEvent, this, int32(0), AttackCallback);

I have also tried:

FAkAudioDevice::Get()->PostEvent(AttackEvent, this);

The earlier code using UAkGameplayStatics gives me a deprecation warning, but both seem to attempt to play sound as indicated in the logs.

  1. Created a soundbank called MainBank in both UE4 and Wwise.
  2. Assigned the sound events to the MainBank in Wwise.
  3. Assigned the sound bank to the events in UE4.
  4. Tested in editor to trigger the sound - errors generated.

I have the following information in the log files:

LogAkAudio: Error: Master bus structure not loaded: make sure that the first bank to be loaded contains the master bus information
LogAkAudio: Error: Bank Load Failed
LogAkAudio: Error: Master bus structure not loaded: make sure that the first bank to be loaded contains the master bus information
LogAkAudio: Error: Bank Load Failed
LogAkAudio: Error: Event ID not found: 2794395967
LogAkAudio: Error: Failed posting event: AE_Sword1H_Draw
LogAkAudio: Error: Event ID not found: 2119020975
LogAkAudio: Error: Failed posting event: AE_Sword1H_Whoosh_1

My build file looks as follows and I have integrated the Wwise SDK into the UE project:

PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "AkAudio", "AIModule", "UMG" });

I have also attempted to call Load Init Bank and Load Bank from the level blueprint, which doesn’t seem to make any change.

What am I missing?

Thanks for the help in advance.

Exact same problem here. No idea what’s wrong but I am getting the same error message.

Sorry if this is obvious but did you guys Build Sound Data from the Build menu in UE4 Editor?

Failing that, does the Wwise profiler give any error messages when connected to the Editor when you’re trying to post the Ak Event?

So… I’ve done this like 10 times before, but on your suggestion, I built the sound data, and it’s working now.

This raises another problem as I haven’t changed anything and I definitely knew about building the sound beforehand. I am baffled as to why it’s working now and not earlier.

The Wwise profiler reports the same errors as in the UE4 Output Log.

Sorry, my friend. In this one I can only help with the ‘how’ not the ‘why’. I just knew from experience from what you described the solution is most commonly to rebuild the soundbanks.