So I downloaded the animations starter pack (4.7.5 version) from the marketplace. There are no animations in the download. All I see is ue4_mannequin directory with textures, mesh, and materials. There aren’t any files in any of the directories.
I see all animation but the manequin, skeleton, map etc are all broken and UE says that failed to Load Asset
I’m having the same problem
I am also having trouble loading certain assets within the new “Animation Starter Pack”, “Failed to load assets”.
Mine problem is with 4.8 version
I just tested it and it does seem to be broken so I am going to move this thread to the feedback section:)
Hi guys!
We just resolved this issue this morning! You should be able to update your downloads with a fix for this issue. Let me know if you guys are having any trouble with this!
Thanks for the fix it work with 4.8 version but still not working with 4.7.5 version just seeing the directories no files and when add to project i have to restart 4.7.5 version then i see the directories no files
Hi there!
Try it now and let me know if that works for you.
Ok Thanks Everything works now. Question is UE4_Mannequin Character only for 4.8 version
Thank you Epic to set this AnimPack for free \m/
Just one note. The starterpack creates a new skel and does not recognize the mannequin that comes with ue4 4.8
When you open the animations you must assign a new skel.
Awesome its working with 4.7.3 …THANK YOU