"No AI" tag abused by AI sellers

So, just have a look at this screenshot:

This seller, who sells only AI generated stuff and pumps them out almost on a daily basis, is very obviously abusing the “NO-AI” tag.

And considering that Valve is now banning games that use AI generated assets, these sellers are putting the Unreal marketplace customers in legal danger.

Quote Valve:

“As the legal ownership of such AI-generated art is unclear, we cannot ship your game while it contains these AI-generated assets, unless you can affirmatively confirm that you own the rights to all of the IP used in the data set that trained the AI to create the assets in your game,”

Epic should do the right thing and protect the Unreal marketplace customers, and forbid the sale of AI generated assets.
They go against the marketpalce guidelines anyway, since the sellers do NOT own the copyright, as AI generated content can not be copyrighted (until a court decides otherwise).

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IIRC “NO AI” tag means that seller don’t want his stuff to be used in training AI. Sounds funny for AI-generated assets.


Yes that’s what I mean, they are abusing the tag, as it is meant for real artists who actually create the assets / images themselves.

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It does seem funny, but it’s not a violation of the tag’s purpose.

Like VertexMachine said, it means others can’t make AI stuff based on that content. It has nothing to do with whether AI was used in creating that content.

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