Nizwa Al-Jadeeda | 3D Cinematic Short | Unreal Engine 5

Hello everyone, I recently finished my university elective project on the art of trailer making. The elective was led by Philip Roberts, Director of Cinematic Services at Crytek, and Stefan Reuter, Lead Cinematic Artist at Crytek.

you can find extra renders from my Artstation.

In this project, I created every environment myself. For the war scene and the airport scene, I used hand made assets, quixel megascans and other various free assets from the marketplace. For the rest, I made everything myself from scratch, including the 3D models, particle effects, textures, and so on.

For the people in the trailer, I used green screen footage of myself and my friends acting. Then, I prepped and brought that footage into Unreal Engine 5, where you can see the final results after rendering and editing.

The goal of the elective was to create a trailer, either based on an original idea or something that already existed.

So, I decided to come up with a new idea and make a short cinematic trailer for a movie that doesn’t even exist!

Feel free to leave any comments you might have, and I hope you enjoy it. :​)