Ninja_01 MoCap Pack - Rev. 2 w/ Root Motion - and More News

Version 2 of the Ninja Pack has made it to the Marketplace.
Now with animated root motion.

Was ready a while back in the hands of beta testers and kinda fell off the radar, no one asked about it for a long time, and it took a while to get it submitted and confirmation on the Marketplace.

But it’s available! Same pack but with full root motion. Those who already purchased it should have gotten the Launcher notice there was an update in the Library. Big update with more motions coming later.

](Ninja Pro - MoCap Pack in Animations - UE Marketplace)

We also have started using Sketchfab as a 3D viewer for our packs!!
It still has a few bugs to work out (let us know if you see any) but now you can view every single animation in 3D to see what you’re getting, as people have asked for in the past.

Check it out here:

Ninja_SF_01.PNG]( MOL_SF_01A.png

A lot of our other Packs are there as well, it is still a WIP. Please check it all out and let us know any problems you might see.

Rifle Pack is in the middle of it’s massive update, sometime in March should be availability.
Zombie Pack is right behind it, then Pistol Pack and Ninja Pack gets the big update with lots new motions.

Halloween shoot and update thread here:

We also have Pedestrian Walks and Pedestrian Conversations submitted and releasing soon, look for those as well!

Were getting through all these animations and data best and as quick we can, please stay tuned for upcoming releases.


Very nice news :slight_smile: Definitely looking especially into that Pedestrian Walks.

love your anims. I’ve only bought 1 or 2 sets. They’re just slightly too pricey. $80-90 would be a good place, but then again if you’re getting tons of sales dont change a thing :slight_smile: . There are just enough other anims to use as placeholders at a lower price point. If I ever get to a point where I might make some money on something I’ll def grab some of the other sets. Really enjoy seeing the “making of” videos. Keep up the good work!

Appreciate it. Setting price points is a headache - production cost and overhead, versus number of sales, plus etc etc etc… Seems a good point so far and working, things can always change as our bean counters rework the numbers now and then. We try to produce great looking anims, and stay in business. :slight_smile:
The making of videos are fun, try to show the cool and fun side of things besides sitting in front of a monitor all day - what I’m doing these days! :rolleyes:

FYI Pedestrian Walks are up on the Marketplace! SaOk has given them a thumbs up. :cool: