Ninja Factions Plugin

Hello everyone,

I’m happy to announce that the Ninja Factions plugin was just released!

It was build to help developers and designers with the Team and Attitude system from the AI Module, introducing Factions and Reputations (which are optional).

Everything is configured via Data Assets and Tables and core classes in the system are highly decoupled, so users who decide to extend the Faction Database or how Attitude is solved can do so just creating small classes, instead of extending Actors or Components.

By default, it uses the Asset Manager as a Faction Database so everything is very integrated with the Engine. Configuration can be as simple as creating your Data Assets and assigning a Faction Component to your Members.

It has a thorough user manual and Discord Support and Trello roadmaps are also available (links in the Product Page).

If you need similar functionality for your AI and Players, please make sure to check it out! :slight_smile: