there’s my probleme, i’ve done a perfect nght time and all the meshes i ve placed in my world, even inside are glowy, I’ve used a landscape, got a skysphere and nothing else for now, deleted all the light sources i had, no change.
Hey Charly,
Have you tried to build lighting? Lol sorry if it is a silly question, also it could be a problem with the texture or you have display shadows unchecked on the mesh. Or it could be that the material you are using you plugged the texture sample into the emissive out put of the material.
Try to check if these are any of the problems.
Hope this helped
Yes, I’ve done it
I have checked the shadows, I don’t really know the tool, but I’ve tried some combinations. Tried with other props, always the same.
My answer was the diffuse boost… Didn’t know I had to rebuild for that, I finally figured it out!